Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A Jihad for Love - Thinking of Intersectionality

I thoroughly enjoyed watching A Jihad for Love and gaining a better understanding of the struggles of trying to exist as a member of the LGBTQ+ community while being Muslim. As a proud believer in intersectionality and expressing every part of our identity as a culmination of ourselves, I was challenged by the consistent question presented in the documentary of whether or not one can be Muslim and gay/lesbian. This reminded me of a previous short video I had watched on YouTube titled "When will it be accepted to be Muslim and gay?" where a live audience and panel tackle the issue of homosexuality and Islam.

Link to Video

Longer Version

The biggest takeaway from these clips is that there while many may claim that there is a "mainstream", as described by one of the female audience members, take on homosexuality in Islam, there exists a lot of diversity of opinion and debate. Even when just discussing the issue of interpretation and modernity/liberalism in Islam, there is tension between people who believe that the Qur'an is to be read as-is and those who are willing to take more liberty to contextualize and reframe what is written. This connects to what A Jihad for Love touches on with the idea of ijtihad, translating to effort in English according to Britannica, which encourages the "right to exercise such original thinking:". I believe that ijtihad can be very beneficial for the Muslim community as a whole because I think it will challenge us to deconstruct patriarchal and heteronormative institutions within what is believed to be "mainstream" Islamic thought.

Even so, I think the Muslim community lacks general visibility of LGBTQ+ Muslims so I think in order to start the dialogue, the representation needs to exist. A Jihad for Love is an excellent example of uplifting these stories and struggles, but we also need to hear the stories of other LGBTQ+ Muslims in other careers/platforms. I think about people like Blair Imani who is a social media mogul of not just being a Black Muslim hijabi but also being Bisexual. Her presence alone can help to start the conversation of homosexuality and Islam by forcing the community to acknowledge the presence of LGBTQ+ Muslims.

However, I am not a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and visibility itself is a privilege that I take for granted because I can speak about my Muslim identity in a way that those who are LGBTQ+ may not be able to out of fear. As portrayed in A Jihad for Love, the mere act of coming out or actively being LGBTQ+ in Muslim countries can put the lives and families of people at risk. Just as there needs to be a conversation had on homosexuality and Islam, there also needs to be a Muslim community willing to listen.

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